Friday, October 13, 2006

JCURCC Update - Friday 13 October 2006

1. Team JCU at Australian University Games

A big congrats to team JCU for a wonderful performance at the Australian University Games last month in Adelaide! The team consisted of Marissa Land, Josie Symons, Steve Baskerville, Nick Larsen, Paul McCann, and Emadch Beck, and collectively managed to win 4 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals!

Climbing trip to Mt. Stuart Sunday 22 October

Please sign up for the trip by replying to this email - there are only 16 spots on the trip for safety reasons so please reply if you want to go on the trip and I will send more information. We generally meet at uni at 11:30, organize membership, gear, and transport, and then head up to the mountain and return to uni by 6:30 PM.

3. Climbing competition at Anaconda Friday 28 October

The new Anaconda has opened up in Townsville and along with a great selection of climbing and outdoor equipment, they have their own climbing wall on which they will host a climbing competition. Look for the entry form in the Bulletin (don't know exactly when it will be out but that's the only way you can enter the competition). There are several prizes that will go to the people who can climb the fastest (without chalk), and these prizes are pretty awesome:

First Prize is a trip for 2 to New Zealand including airfare, 4 nights accommodation, helicopter ride, bungy jumping, and more!

Second and third prizes involve biking stuff and camping stuff worth about $150-$500!

4. Dive club pubcrawl SATURDAY 28 October (NOT FRIDAY as previously stated)

The climbing club has been invited to join the dive club on their pubcrawl next Friday for a wicked Halloween celebration. I have been on a number of these dive club pubcrawls and have yet to be disappointed so sign up today! You can contact the dive club at: or go to their information stand at the Uni Club on Thursdays from 12-2 PM.

That's all for now, folks! Hope to see some new (and old) faces next week!

